Monday, February 16, 2009

Cooker Tops and Counsel from Pope Benedict's mother

On housework:

"Always do it before it looks as if it needs doing." Maria Ratzinger senior.

The last time I cleaned the cooker top, I vowed to take this advice. The trouble has been that during the last month, her younger son has kept me, as countless others, almost fully occupied. I most definitely am not blaming HIM! I blame my own lack of self discipline for the job I've had to do today!

Well there it is public confession. In future the letters cct (cleaned cooker top) will appear at top of my posts, to show that a firm purpose of amendment is being fulfilled!

Affectionat acknowledgements to my friend Clare A, who told me about Papa's mother's saying some time ago. Clare if you're reading this, can you let me know where you saw it?

In Christo pro Papa


Anonymous said...

Oh dear - Jane, you've given me a real guilt complex today. Mine badly needs doing but I am a great procrastinator.

I have a card above my computer with a quote from that rather odd character Alphonse Allais. 'Ne remet pas a demain ce que tu peux faire apres-demain.' Perhaps I ought to put up the quote from Mrs Ratzinger next to it!

Anonymous said...

Jane, I'm afraid it wasn't me who told you this unless my disintegrating memory is worse than I thought - I don't recall seeing it before. It's certainly a very fine sentiment, but not one I adhere to, sadly :(.