Saturday, January 1, 2011

Alma redemptoris mater - Peter Philips (1561 - 1628) from Cantiones Sacr...

No prizes for substituting 's' for the things that look like 'f' in the English version above, or for wondering about the spelling of 'receive' and the lower case 'm' for Mater ..... Otherwise....



Rubricarius said...


A very blessed 2011 to you.

Edwin said...

and of course it should be "who remain" (second person; we are addressing Her) not "remains"... manes, not manet. A sadly common error in modern English.

Jane said...

I neither read nor hear 'manet' in this post; 'p' is missing from 'redemptoris' though.

Thank you for dropping by.
I don't think any of us expected the Ordinariate to happen so quickly. Deo gratias.

With the assurance of prayers,