I accessed the article via my regular email, usually every day, which lists 'Catholic World News headlines and links to further details of each one. This one from Reuter's News Agency reports that even in Poland, the Church is losing her influence. Since 2005 weekly Mass attendance has dropped from 58% to 52%. The reasons given are mounting secularism, political debate over homosexuality, in vitro fertilisation and tax-payer financed healthcare and pensions for priests. Among many others, I have often wondered why Mons Konrad Krajewski frequently looks so unhappy. Most of us do not know many other Polish priests apart from this one, who does sterling and devoted work for the Holy Father and his Liturgy, as probably the most frequently serving member of Mons. Marini's team of Liturgical Masters of Ceremony. He seems to be the 'Head boy', second only to the Maestro. He goes home to Poland whenever he can and frequently joins pilgrimages there. I wonder if the increasingly secular and threatening atmosphere in Poland is a constant worry for him, and preoccupies his heart and soul, without of course, in any way adversely affecting his efficiency and devotion at the Papal altar.
There is an appreciation page for Mons Konrad on Facebook.
Please pray for him and for Poland, its Clergy and Laity. For that dear and faithful country to be sliding from its conquest of Communism into the clutches of poisonous secularism within a generation, is simply tragic.
Thank you for this post, Jane. I do hope your readers will look at The Monsignor Konrad Krajewski Appreciation Page on Facebook. This is a serious page and not a "fan" club. Monsignor Konrad often looks melancholy, but I have seen him smile. He just takes the liturgy very seriously. As for Poland, there are pilgrimages every year from all over Poland to Our Lady of Czestochowa at Jasna Gora. Monsignor joins one of these every July. The age range on these pilgrimages is from the elderly in wheelchairs to small children. Personally, I think Poland is still a very Catholic country. Monsignor misses his homeland, but I trust he'll stay in Rome for many years to come, as he is a top liturgist and a much needed "Number Two" to Monsignor Marini. Don't forget to visit our page!
Love, Mary
I know that smile too, but not in the personal way that you do. You have raised the subject of 'fan Sites'. I most probably will post about them soon. I do not count your 'appreciation' page for Mons. K. as a fan site. That's why I mentioned it in the post. Long may it, and he, flourish!
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