Sunday, February 24, 2013

Handel - Messiah - He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd


Genty said...

How very apt. When there are no words, music does it.

umblepie said...

Absolutely beautiful Jane, thank you so much. A truly consoling 'prayer' in these troubling days. Please can you tell me who is the singer. I hope that you are feeling better. Thanks again for this video - an inspiring song of trust and hope in Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Jane said...

I am really glad you found it comforting.I think I saw the singers'names on you Tube. There'll be two: one contralto and one soprano. I'll find out and get back to you.

As to my health, all I can say is thank God I am mo worse!

With love and grateful thanks,

On the side of the angels said...

You're the best of us...and no-one was closer to my thoughts than yourself today. Nobody's been a more devoted advocate of His Holiness and I thank you from the bottom of my soul for it...God bless you Ma'am!

Jane said...

Thank you Paul.
I will try to respond when I have recovered from the last few days.As it is, I'm still expecting to wake up from a very bad dream.