Saturday, March 9, 2013

Monsignor Guido Marini: March 16 2013

I have just checked my stats and they are showing that  posts featuring Mons. Guido Marini are proving the most widely viewed on the Oasis and have been, er well, since doubt has been cast on his continued role as Maestro of Papal Liturgy.

I understand from this that many of you share my concern about his future and are praying for him. He is in great need of spiritual support. Thank you for your prayers. Please keep them up.

When I can get my act together, I hope to publish a proper tribute to him here.



Unknown said...

I wish you a steady recovery and my best wishes
God Bless and if you can keep up the good work

Genty said...

My prayers for him join with yours. He's young; he has time on his side.
I wonder if Pope Benedict offered him promotion/protection, as per ++Ganswein, and he demurred. He seemed so like a loving son to the Pope Emeritus.
I hope you are recovering bit by bit and you, too, are in my prayers.

Jane said...

I too, hoped for his promotion before Benedict disappeared, but I don't think it's too late even now. Let's wait and see. As you say, time is on his side and anyway he seems to have been happier since Sunday's Mass. He spent a long time talking with Pope Benedict's doctor at the end.
Perhaps this is clutching at straws........................

In the meantime,PLEASE continue to pray for him. I know he appreciates it. He is a great believer in the power of prayer.

On the side of the angels said...

During the Westminster Papal Mass I was stunned to stand near the great monsignor while he 'did the business'.
I don't know if you've seen the Jimmy Cagney film 1-2-3 but he was seriously like that - a thousand factors rushing around his head and directives given rapidly, precisely, gently, coherently - It was like watching Napoleon at Austerlitz or Miltiades at Marathon or an exemplary french head waiter.. a walking enigma machine with the eyes of a hawk - he could just as easily be head of the CIA bodyguards ot be proofreader for the encyclopedia britannica...All I can say is thank God he's on our side..if he wasn't a priest he could have conquered the world and still be home for breakfast :)

Jane said...

All right Paul, 9 out of 10 for your description of Mons. Marini. You've missed the essential element of Holiness though. Oh, and you don'r mention his innate courtesy and kindness. Perhaps you haven't experienced them. I know someone who has!