Friday, October 24, 2008

Una Voce International Report to Pope Benedict: October 2008: Scotland


Qu. I

Scotland is the only country mentioned by name (amongst others) where there has been no improvement.

Qu. 3

On the other hand Scotland's Mgr O'Brien is listed among the 27 bishops who have reacted with charity and in response to thier calling to care for souls.

"Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est."

Qu. 5 'Ad Clerum' letters and letters from bishops to parishes:

"Information has reached us (UV) rom our associate members in Italie and SCOTLAND that they have reported on these matters directly to the Ecclesia Dei Commission."


Increased demand from laity fof teaching on the Motu Proprio? Scotland is listed as one of the countries to report an increased interest.

Qu. 9

"In Scotland, according to a priest elevated to the hierarchy, there are signs that a good number of priests, in one diocese specifically, who would like to celebrate the traditional Mass, but they are intimidated by the directives and negative attitude of their archbishop."
Surely it's not rocket science for you, and indeed Pope Benedict, to work that one out.

Qu. 10

Scotland is mentioned as one of the country's where courses for Priests/Servers/ Choirs have been made available.

Since USA may be a long post will put that up separately

In Christo Pro Papa

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