Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pope Benedict Spiritual Bouquet Alert: Change of plan

I hope none of you will mind, but I have changed both the date and method of sending the next Bouquet. This is for two reasons, first domestic, but secondly and more importantly because two of the recent Bouquets have been returned to me undelivered. The reason given is that the inbox concerned is temporarily disabled, which probably means that it's full to overflowing.

In future I will be sending the Bouquets by snail mail and intend to post Bouquet 5 on January 3rd in time for Epiphany. A composite of all our offerings so far will be included.

Thereafter I suggest that the Bouquets are sent postally every three months or thereabouts, but that I keep a running log in between times which takes into account Liturgical landmarks, saints days, and personal anniversaries and published intentions of the Holy Father. SO PLEASE STILL KEEP YOUR OFFERINGS COMING.

God bless all here.


Anonymous said...

Daily: morning offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the intentions and the person of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.

Weekly: liturgical abuses endured and the sufferings therefrom offered up to the Sacred Wounds of Jesus while fulfilling my Sunday obligation in the Ordinary Form.

Occasionally: estrangement from those closest to me due to my attachment to Tradition.

Jane said...


Would 'going through the mill' express it all in English idiom?

I'll find a way to put it to him! And of course my prayers are with you.

God bless,

Confiteor said...

Yes, "going through the mill" sums it up pretty well: