Monday, February 9, 2009

A fervent plea to Priests on behalf of the Holy Father at bloggingLOURDES:

Dear Fathers in Faith:

On my knees, I beg you to offer Mass for the Holy Father who has yet again called for our prayers. Holy Mass is the most powerful prayer of all and it is something you alone can do. You can register your Mass at Fr Byers' poll of prayer on his bloggingLOURDES site. And if you have a backlog of Masses already offered for Pope Benedict, you can revisit until all are included in the bouquet for him. The prayer we have offered is already before the throne of God, but our dear Pope needs the strength and encouragement that this knowledge will give him.....

At present the poll shows well over a thousand Rosaries, but only 17 Masses.

In Christo pro Papa

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