Reference recent post featuring Msgr Marini: I knew the music on the video was strikingly familiar, but couldn't place it. Imagine my horror when I checked and found it was from 'Pirates of the Caribbean'.
There is driving and insistent determination about it, which is particularly apt when the Holy Father is anointing that altar under the close observance of his Master of Ceremonies. This is somehow not entirely inapproriate, but I wouldn't want anyone to think that I see Monsignor Marini dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow or Monsignor Krajewski as Will Turner, brandishing his cutlass. Of course the two Monsignori are beyond doubt eminently effective and brave in the banishment of ugly, irreverent Liturgy. But that's no excuse. Please forgive my carelessness.
I thought for a minute, that you were about to say 'Pirates of Penzance'!
P of P: one of my favourite G & S bits of nonsense, with a number especially for Mons. Marini.
'I polished up the handles on the big bronze door,
I polished up the handles so carefull-ee
That now I am the ruler
Of the Pope's Litur-gee!
Enough of this trivialisation. Must soon post seriously about the new evangelisation.
Yes I know it's HMS Pinafore! couldn't resist it.
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