Sunday, April 24, 2011

Listen to us - VOCES (Buckfast Abbey)

Listen to us - VOCES
Highly recommended.

'Voces' is the Buckfast Abbey 'special' choir'. that is they are not the monastic choir, but give concerts, and recently, according to a friend who is a member of the SouthWest Ordinariate Group, have been assisiting at liturgies in the Abbey connected with the preparation of Ordinariate Catechumens. Please click the above link to listen. (There's a choice of Victoria, Morales, Byrd and Schutz) No time for more now, (Rome preparations an' all) but you can be sure I will be following this ensemble with the keenest interest and will be posting further links and info. as they come to my notice. Have not had the time to check whether 'Voces' is represented on YouTube.. Might have the time tonight. First I must email my friend to say 'thank you'. He alerted me to their existence a couple of weeks ago but I couldn't find a site at that time..Devon is indeed made even more 'glorious' by its Ordinariate members, and by this choir which supports them.

Deo gratias.

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