Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another shattering day: the future of 'Bethany'

I am in a state of shock. the people who visited yesterday asked the Estate agency if they could arrange for another visit today. When they got here they asked permission for the Agency's consultant builder to also be allowed to visit before lunch time to examine the house for the work that will need to be done, (and which we can't afford, which is one of the reasons why we are being forced to sell.)

I think that our dear 'Bethany' has captivated them; they have sustained a 'coup de foudre'. And I know from several exchanges with them throughout the two days that they should have it. They made an offer this afternoon but there are still things to be sorted our tomorrow. Now it has come to it and the pain of separation looks as if it's in the offing, I can hardly write about it here. I know you will all pray that God's will be done in this matter. In the meantime, we have to find somewhere else to live.

We know of several houses in this area that have stayed on the market for years., but it pleases me tremendously that my dear 'Bethany' is proving to be a different case.

This afternoon I had a brief siesta and then went next door to have my hair done. May our Lord and His Blessed Mother give me strength to face what may be coming in the next few months.

God bless all here

In Christo pro Papa


Genty said...

Dear Jane, I keep you in my prayers, understanding a little of your problematic situation. Having sold my flat in London to live at my late parents' home while refurbishing it for sale, I find that something very strange has happened.
I did not grow up in this house, Indeed, lived in it for only 18 months before I left home. My full intention is to return to London where I have lived for most of my life and where all my friends and connections are.
Yet in a very short time this house has imposed its rhythm on me. I have changed. Is this fanciful? Can bricks and mortar do this? It seems similar, but not the same, as the "right" church which imposes its defined spiritual rhythm. I waver but, having used up the "nest egg" money, must go. I am nonplussed. I hope to have your courage and humility to trust in God that all will be well.

Jane said...

Dear Genty,

I'll keep you in my prayers too. I will answer your comment in this combox eventually but at the moment am totally incapable. We haven't had a day's peace since we accepted the offer on Thursday morning. I am finding it difficult to put a sentence together! Perhaps I'll be able to address some of the issues your raise when the newness of the present experience has become more familiar. Please forgive my present inadequacy.

God bless,

Genty said...

Dear Jane,
No response needed. Really. You have enough on your plate.

Jane said...

Dear Genty,

Thanks! Much appreciated.