Wednesday, March 7, 2012

'If I should plant a tiny seed of love'

I've finished my text and will send it off  to the publishers tomorrow after final check. This is for all my blogging friends who have been so supportive during the last month. I learned it at my father's knee; later it was the signature tune of a of a music hall act I did in the 80s. I think of it differently now. It could be Pope Benedict's song,  Unfortunately, a large part of the world refuses to listen to him. Nary mind , he plods on deteriminedly and we follow him, our beloved shepherd.

God bless all here,
In Christo pro Papa


Dom Mark Daniel Kirby, O.S.B. said...

Dear Jane, So happy to hear that you have finished your work. My blessing goes out to you from Ireland. Still staying with Fr John Hogan in Rathkenny. Will be moving to Stamullen shortly. Do pray for us.

Jane said...

Thanks so much Father. I've just had a two hour struggle with a recalcitrant computer that simmply refused to transmit the Text to the publisher. It's don now at last. Deo gratias.

Of couse I'm continuing to pray for you and am following all your posts.

Hayy Feast day of St Francesca. That is a beautiful Icon you have today.

With prayers always,