Sunday, July 15, 2012

Locus iste - Bruckner -Sung at Frascati today

This performance, which looks as though it's being conducted by Msgr Marini, before he lost so much hair (!), catches the close intimacy that the piece yearns to express, the sheer beauty and otherness of being in God's presence. At Frascati, the choir, which was not even near the sanctuary, but separated in the cathedral behind., was at a tremendous disadvantage.There were too many voices, or at least those voices were not able to blend. It was a brave, but in the circumstances a musically unwise choice. 'Quand meme' all criticism aside, they did their best and it was good to hear this motet sung in the presence of the Holy Father.


umblepie said...

Thank you for this Jane.
There is one really beautiful recording of this on U-Tube, with a performance by the Munchen University Choir. A large choir but with wonderful balance and control, and superbly conducted.
Recommend - as they say on Amazon!

Jane said...

Thanks Brian. I'll check it out

Genty said...

Heard often at Westminster Cathedral. Wondrous.

Anonymous said...

Actually recorded by and in St Mary's Anglican Parish Church Nottingham, conducted by Robert Jones

Jane said...


Thanks for posting this information.

Anonymous said...

Makes me feel as if this is what Heaven must be like. Thank you so much, Jane!

Hoka2_99 Mary